“When the bird and snake come along, when the day and night are merged,  when the Earth and Sky start dance, in divine cosmic plan of life.”



Minah started her journey of accelerated awakening and Soul connection in 2012.

It took her 10 years of life experiences and initiations, studying different healing modalities and doing deep Soul work to open her heart and initiate the process of embodying sovereignty, divine love & compassion.

Minah is a certified Holographic Healing Practitioner & Sophia Circle Leader. She channeled the Connect To Your Soul modality she keeps expanding upon and sharing with her clients.

She traveled to many countries and sacred sites where she remembered different lifetimes and has been integrating the Soul aspects that brought her to this present moment and her ability to guide others on journeys to their hearts and healing.

While birthing her own practice to help people connect to their Souls, Minah is in the process of building her first home on sacred land in Rimrock, Arizona where she is going to live with her beloved dog Lava & continue listening and co-creating with the Land guided by her loving Spirit.


Minah was born in Ukraine and at age 17 moved to Siberia with her parents and 2 years later to Saint-Petersburg. Her career started in the Marketing and Advertising world working with big corporate clients. Growing along with the company from the very beginning she was offered to move to New York City to open their first international office where she worked for 6 years as an Executive Officer and managed a team of twelve employees. It was indeed a very busy time of her life working in a highly dynamic and demanding industry.

Living in NYC without friends and family, and working long hours to meet the demands of corporate clients Minah felt lost and disconnected completely.

It was that time when she started asking questions if there is anything else rather than this constant race of projects and initiated her Soul search. It was indeed a difficult time when the boutique agency was closed as she was stepping more on her path and meeting her soul family who helped her during the time of big transition. She moved to the very competitive Real Estate Industry however she could manage her own time and had more flexibility to start her pilgrimages to Sacred Lands around the World. In 2019 she visited Sedona where the Spirit of the Land initiated her to another stage of her sacred path and she moved there a year later.

Look into my eyes, what do you see?

Look into my eyes, what do you see?

Is it a smile on my face?

Is it a loving kindness I feel?

Look into my eyes and see your Soul is smiling back at you, the embrace that you deeply feel.

Look into my eyes and find what you have been looking for, the depth of your loving Soul for ages you have been searching for.

- MINAH, Visionary. Mystic. Beloved Child of Mother Earth & Conduit of Divine Love.