Journey to meet your Soul. We are all longing for connection, a loving embrace by our Soul which is the Source of All That Is.
There is nothing more profound, life-changing, and healing than awakening to your true self, the pure essence of God. For every person, it’s a journey within and breathing through different layers of pain and blocks that we accumulate through our human experiences so we can integrate the Light of our Soul.
Minah has the ability to holographically see/sense/feel/know any blockages or misalignments in a personal field/body to breathe through and allow the Pillar of Light to grow from the Earth up the spine and out from the Star chakra - a Portal she facilitates to open to your Soul Creator. Through that connection, you can gain wisdom, strength, and knowledge to initiate inner healing and alignment. She assists with grounding to Mother Earth once you return back to the physical realm and integrate your Soul aspect. Minah’s work is unscripted and depends on the person’s needs.
Connect to your Soul through etheric Pillar of Light for inner healing & alignment
• Rewrite your story with a loving Spirit and unlock your highest potential
• Heal codependences and attachments to suffering to create more space for a new way of Being
• Become aware of distractive patterns and programs, receive the tools for healing and transformation
• Liberate yourself from controlling and manipulative relationships in all areas of your life
• Be guided into your Akash for healing and transformation
• Heal abusive childhood by connecting to your Inner Child, Mother Earth, and all of Nature
Minah creates a sacred space before the session and connects Oversoul to Oversoul with her client. She works directly with Source energy and invokes the healing power of Archangel Rafael, the unconditional love & compassion of Mother Mary, + loving guidance & grace of the Great Spirit.
She assists with connecting to the heart space for setting intentions and revealing the client’s needs. Minah becomes a clear channel for the energy & messages to come through from the Divine Source.
She takes on a journey to travel the Pillar of Light - your connection to the Soul, to receive wisdom, knowledge, and guidance for healing and transformation.
She assists with coming back to the body and grounding for energy integration.
Initial 90 min Session: $95
60 min Follow-up: $75
If you need another payment method other than PayPal, Contact Minah.